House Plants, Experts and Indoor Plant Lovers

Plant Care

Therapy, love and care for your plants

Indoor Plant Care & Guidance

Self Care

Since becoming an indoor plant loving kind of person, I realise how much self care and plant care really cross over. While some of us are self-confessed plant-holics where we treat our plants much like our children (perhaps even a tad more attention for them, I mean they can’t speak up for themselves, can they?! lol). I love the simple joys of what plants bring to my own life and the fulfillment I personally get from propagating a plant I may have taken a small snippet from or just the relaxed feeling I get from watering and playing with soil. 


vs Plant Care

Naturally at Indoor Plant Therapy we love plants and want to provide you with guidance to care for your indoor plants. From feeding your plants, fertilising tips, creating cuttings, watering, pruning, deadheading and expert tips and tricks to keep your plants healthy & green! We want to bring you the latest in interviews with plant experts all around the country. If you would like to feature here, simply reach out on our contact page.  


Below you will find our latest articles on all things plant care

Want to have more greenery in your life & home?

Indoor plant & nursery directory Australia

Are you a beginner, intermediate or passionate plant lover?

Grow indoor plants with success, your top tips

Growing indoor plants with success

As a plant beginner it can be demoralising to have one of your plants die. We have some tips for you to guide you in providing the best care you can for your indoor plants.

how much do I water my indoor plant?

Watering Indoor Plants

Over watering indoor plants is one of the leading causes of death! Here we give you some helpful insights on watering your plants for a happy long life (yours included : D)

vertical garden inspiration

Vertical Garden Inspiration

Check out some very cool ways to display your hanging or trailing indoor plants.

Join Indoor Plant Therapy

Join our plant therapy for for regular tips & tricks.
Plus inspiration direct to your inbox to grow your indoor garden to it's fullest potential!
Afterall, looking after plants is cheaper than therapy.

Are you a nursery or indoor plant retailer?

Find out how Indoor Plant Therapy can help your business.

Indoor plant & nursery directory Australia