
(yes, that’s me with some of our zucchini haul this year! We grew over 30 kilograms of them!)
Hello plant lovers!
I’ve always loved getting outside in the garden, even as a kid. My mum had a passion (and quite the green thumb) for all things gardening and when I became a mum, getting my hands in some dirt and playing with plants became super fun! I still feel a great pride whenever I create something in a pot or the ground.
Many years ago I met my husband who also had a passion for gardening but more for orchids. You can read more about him over here on his website, Orchid Wise.
So together we have learnt more about plants, growing veggies and fruit trees since living together. We love our little life that revolves around eating beautiful food (from the garden as much as possible) and sharing meals with friends and family. Even the kids now have a lot of plants in their bedrooms and love to care for them.
I hope you find something interesting or informative here as we bring you the best of our and other’s knowledge on all things small space gardening, indoor plants and working with plants. If you would like to see us chat about a particular gardening issue, idea or concept, reach out on our contact page! Oh and while you’re there, don’t forget to sign up to our Indoor Plant Therapy group so you stay updated with the latest from us!
Happy planting!
Carly x
PS You can read more about our indoor vertical garden here.