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Growing the best Peace Lily plants

Important information about Peace lily

The peace lily is one of the most popular indoor plants grown in the world for homes & offices. I only added one of these to my collection just under 2 years ago, actually it was a gift from a dear friend when my mum passed away (as she knew how much mum loved plants and flowers).

It is a lovely hardy, low maintenance and (in my opinion) very attractive plant with dark green leaves and tall white flowers. One of the benefits of having a peace lily in your home (or office) is it is a powerhouse when it comes to purifying the air – perfect for the kitchen or bathroom as it strips out harmful chemicals. The name ‘Peace Lily’ is from the flower and thought to resemble the white flag of surrender.

What you need to know about peace lilies

How do you care for a peace lily indoors?

Peace lilies do love a bit of moisture! They won’t be unhappy if you give them a little mist of water every now and then, but just don’t overwater (like many indoor plants, they don’t like super wet feet all the time). Allow the water to soak in and when the top surface few inches is dry, give them some h2o love!

Do peace lilies need sun or shade?

When it comes to light – they love a position away from direct sunlight but well lit. They will tolerate low light but I would bring it out into a well lit room for a boost of light every now and then. This may also encourage more flowers on a regular basis.

Benefits of growing a peace lily?

Apart from the fact they are a very hardy plant, and I really give mine quite minimal love and it’s loving life in my kitchen, they are really lovely to look at. They add a bushy lush amount of greenery to a space and the fact that they flower is a bonus (in my mind!). Who doesn’t love a few flowers every now and then. Because of this I think they make an excellent gift instead of a bunch of flowers (which generally last 5-10 days at most), whereas the peace lily just keeps on giving! So in short, if you love plants but don’t always make the time to care for them, this could be a winner for you!

How to care for a peace lily indoors

Are peace lily indoor plants only?

Not at all. I have seen them growing quite successfully in many outdoor locations, most recently the Cairns Botanic Gardens where they were growing beautifully amongst many other plants. Admittedly they were growing under the shade of other plants and trees but with the right amount of light (that is, not intense direct sunlight for hours on end) they will thrive (and probably display more flowers regularly).

Are they poisonous?

Yes – both to humans and pets. If you have a puppy it is highly recommended to keep the plant out of their way to avoid any nibbling!

Indoor Plant Therapy’s Love Rating

indoor plant therapy plant ranking
  • Looks – we love their constant green flourishing leaves & flowers
  • Height – on the smallish side but lovely as a feature plant on a bench
  • Maintenance – very easy
  • Growth – regular new leaves & occasional flowers
  • Pest Issues
  • Watering – when surface is dry they need a drink
  • Toxicity – toxic to humans, dogs & cats

Peace Lily Details

  • Scientific Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
  • Family: Araceae
  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Soil type: Acidic, likes to have moist soil
  • Mature Size: Typically up to half a metre
  • Also known as: spath lily, white sails
  • Native area: Central America, Asia
  • Toxicity: to pets & people
  • Food & Water: Don’t over water, mist leaves and feed occasionally with slow-release fertiliser

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