House Plants, Experts and Indoor Plant Lovers

Advertise with Us

Indoor Plant Therapy is about supporting local & online plant nurseries

Indoor Plant Therapy was established in 2022 out of passion for all things Indoor Plants. We love being surrounded by plants and believe in the health benefits of having plants as a hobby for your mental and physical well being but also the air purification benefits of having more greenery in homes. 

Our aim is to support local & online plant/nursery businesses to promote their business online by directly connecting with plant loving customers.  Reach out to us if you have any questions, have an event to promote or would like to attract more of your plant tribe!

Attract more customers to your plant business (bricks & mortar or online) business with Indoor Plant Therapy

If you are interested in signing up or just want to learn more, register your details below and we'll give you a call

Flexible Plans

Choose the plan that’s right for your business. Connect with your tribe -a passionate plant loving community who want to learn more about indoor plants! Whether you are a bricks and mortar business or strictly online, we’ve got you covered. From our basic listing plan to our more specific banner advertising or newsletter sponsorship promotional opportunities. 

Website Listing Options

Attract more customers to your plant shop

Standard from $25/month

Billed Annually or $33/month

Australia's best online plant directory

Standard from $35/month

Billed Annually or $47/month

Grow your plant business

Standard from $45/month

Billed Annually or $59/month

Banner & Sponsorship Advertising

Promote your plant business nursery

Standard from $150/month billed annually or $200/month

Promote your business on the Indoor Plant Therapy Home page with a side banner ad. Stand out from the crowd with an interactive button & capture your ‘all things plants’ loving community

Promote your plant business nursery

Standard from $250/month billed annually or $280/ month

Promote your business on the Indoor Plant Therapy Home page with a top banner ad. Stand out from the crowd with an interactive top banner ad & really speak to your plant loving community

Promote my plant business

Standard from $185/newsletter

Promote your business, service or product in our quarterly newsletter to a niche group of indoor plant loving people.


Do you have a question about Indoor Plant Therapy and how to use the site? We've collated some commonly asked questions to help.
Have another question or comment? Please feel free to reach out to contact our friendly team here.

Are you keen to have your business seen by thousands of visitors? Indoor Plant Therapy is the only directory dedicated to all things plants and we are dedicated to connecting you to customers.

All of our sign ups are done over the phone so please connect with us or email at or fill out the form at the top of this page and we will be in touch to help you choose an online advertising package that best suits your business. 

On our home page there are several ways for visitors to Indoor Plant Therapy can find you: They can type in the plant retailer or the name of the business they are looking for in the search box at the top of the page, or they can enter a suburb or postcode in the adjacent box. They can also do a ‘search’ and will see a selection of search results based on their chosen location. We also have many retailers based online where you can view their online shops and order directly. They may also find your business through our blog interview. If you would like to be interviewed contact us.

Our Articles section has lots of articles with plant tips, latest news and research, expert advice (from the experts) and event information so we can satisfy all of our plant loving community. 

We would love to have you submit an article as part of your listing package so we can promote you and your business. We can also help you refine your business listing so you can maximise your business promotional opportunity. 

Tell us your plant specialty or expert knowledge and we will be in contact

We constantly want to promote our retailers events to our plant loving community! So yes, we want to hear what event, sales event, in person class or educational event you may have on. 

We have a niche group of people who want to learn more about plants, looking after them or getting their hands on unique types of plants.

Simply head back up to the top of this page and fill out the Advertise with us form and we will be in contact. 

We are always looking to connect with our retailers, authors, influencers and other blog writers. If you would like to connect and submit an article please fill out the form at the top of the page and click “Article Submission’ request, then provide us with how your article will stand out from others, how you can help our readers with their green thumb dilemmas, your background information and your website/ business, along with your contact information.