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you can't buy happiness but you can buy plants!

Plant Nursery info here XXX
Solve your leaf problems on your house plants
Identifying your house plant leaf problems shouldn't be hard - check our table of problems to identify what might be wrong with your plant.
Important tips to grow a stunning Monstera
Monsteras are the perfect large indoor plant, quite common and they add that green element to your house - making them perfect living room plants.
Meet Terrarium Expert, Charlene of Botanista
I sat down recently with Charlene Maney of Botanista, the botanical emporium specialising in everything terrariums to chat about her business, her love of plants and how she’
Growing the best Peace Lily plants
It is a lovely hardy, low maintenance and (in my opinion) very attractive plant with dark green leaves and tall white flowers. One of the benefits of having a peace lily in your ho
What you need to know about the Fiddle Leaf Fig
Is a fiddle leaf fig a good indoor plant? The fiddle leaf fig is one of the world’s most popular indoor plant/ tree. And they are rather Instagram worthy! We have around 7 of the
Why every child should grow something
(the benefits and what it will teach you & your child) Without a doubt, where possible I believe every child should garden. Whether it’s a small patio with a couple of po

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